Incorporates Splight, Unusuals, and Stellar into its portfolio of investees and becomes the anchor investor of the Adara Ventures Energy I investment fund
Channels an investment effort in innovation and technological development by Redeia amounting to 11.89 million euros during the fiscal year
Consolidates an open innovation ecosystem with more than 130 partners and collaborators and deploys 13 of its innovation projects within Redeia's areas of activity.
Channels an investment effort in innovation and technological development by Redeia amounting to 11.89 million euros during the fiscal year
Consolidates an open innovation ecosystem with more than 130 partners and collaborators and deploys 13 of its innovation projects within Redeia's areas of activity.
In previous editions, Redeia, through Elewit, has invested €2.5 million and supported 45 commercial pilot projects, including 38 national and international startups, 41% of which have been successfully integrated into its business areas
Corporación Tecnológica de Andalucía (TCA) helps companies to implement R&D+i strategies quickly, efficiently and effectively to enable them to stay competitive.
We’re redefining our challenge in 2025: put your skills to the test by anticipating energy consumption demand and help us drive innovation in this sector.
Through the stories of five women with STEM backgrounds who are part of Redeia and work closely with Elewit on innovation projects, we invite you to discover how their passion for science and technology was born and how they have built their careers in this field.
This startup’s technology enables the use of synthetic data to train artificial intelligence models, optimising inspection and maintenance processes for critical infrastructure.
This project, developed in collaboration with Red Eléctrica and High Line Division S.L., used a drone to measure air quality in underground cable splicing chambers in real-time, improving safety for maintenance personnel and optimising the operational and maintenance processes of underground electrical lines.