challenge (m). Referring to objectives or efforts that are hard to do, making them a stimulus or challenge for those who attempt them.
At Elewit we pose challenges because:
Open challenges

What is the Data Challenge for?

We want to evaluate electricity demand forecasting service providers that offer suitable proposals for the peninsular electricity subsystems, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. All this with technological tools that allow the mentioned tasks to be completed. Although Red Eléctrica already has effective methods, we believe that there are potential suppliers which can contribute significantly to this task.

What do we offer?

For companies that do not currently provide services for Red Eléctrica, it is a great opportunity to become a supplier. In addition, it also serves as a springboard for external talent and an opportunity in the energy field. Elewit will publish the winning proposals of the Data Challenge on its website and social networks. In addition, webinars or other actions may be held to provide external visibility of the winning companies and their capabilities to other relevant players in the ecosystem and potential customers.

What are we looking for?

Data science enthusiasts interested in electricity demand forecasting models. For its creation, participants will have access to a dataset that will include a time series of electricity demand and historical holiday data in each of the subsystems under study:

  • Peninsula.
  • Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera and El Hierro.
  • Mallorca, Menorca, subsystem Ibiza-Formentera, Ibiza and Formentera separately.
  • Ceuta and Melilla.

Participants must use the training dataset to train their electricity demand models. The Participants shall then produce the forecast for the period 01/04/2025 to 31/05/2025, which will be evaluated by Elewit. More details in the legal bases.


Consult the legal bases Sign up!

Past Challenges

What is the Data Challenge for?

Red Eléctrica calculates predictions of renewable energy production in order to plan the necessary resources to cover the national demand in a secure manner at all times. Although this is a task in which we can count on the support of expert suppliers, we believe it is important to explore international talent in search of more accurate predictions at this demanding time, such as the energy transition.

What are we looking for?

Passionate data scientists capable of providing accurate predictions in a demanding and competitive environment. In order to train the prediction models you will have a Dataset with wind, photovoltaic and solar thermal energy production information structured in a time series. Your proposal should be able to make a production prediction for at least one renewable technology.

What do we offer?

The possibility of participating in the next tender of the service in case of winning. In addition, Elewit will publish the winning proposals on its website and social networks, and may organize webinars or other actions to spotlight the winning companies in front of other relevant players in the ecosystem. A great opportunity to prove your knowledge and make it known!

The winners

The finalists of the Data Challenge participated in a second phase of benchmarking with the current suppliers, as a result, Meteobit has been contracted as a new supplier. Congratulations!

Why a Data Challenge?

We want to add new service providers to our renewable energy production forecasting catalogue. Although Red Eléctrica already has effective methods for this purpose, we believe there are potential providers who can significantly contribute to this work.

¿What are we looking for?

Data science enthusiasts interested in renewable energy generation prediction models. For its creation, participants will be allowed to access a Dataset which includes a time series of wind, photovoltaic and solar thermal energy production, from which the model will be asked to predict at least one renewable technology production.

¿What do we offer?

For companies which currently do not provide this type of service for Red Eléctrica, it is the only entry route to the next tender for the service. In addition, it also serves as a springboard for external talent and an opportunity in the energy sector. Elewit will publish the winning proposals of the Data Challenge on its website and social networks. In addition, we may hold webinars or other actions to give external visibility of the winning companies and their capabilities to other relevant players in the ecosystem and potential customers.

The winners

The finalists of the Data Challenge participated in a second phase of benchmarking with the current suppliers, as a result, ADIC, SteadySun and NAITEC have been contracted as new suppliers. Congratulations!.


Hispasat offers satellite connectivity services via geostationary satellites. To access these services, a fixed VSAT satellite antenna is needed to be perfectly aimed at the specific satellite that will provide connectivity. Within Hispasat's range of services, solutions are being incorporated aimed at activities in which satellite connectivity is required in a simple and fast way, allowing the solution to be set up on the ground, without the need for anchoring and with the requirement to do so as quickly as possible. These cases tend to be common in emergency situations in which agility is required and where there are no people with minimal knowledge of antenna pointing.

What are we looking for?

Assisted pointing system designs that enable a VSAT antenna to be set up at any location in a straightforward way by a person with no technical experience. The system should achieve accurate pointing with minimum intervention by the person setting up the antenna. The assisted pointing system has to be valid for an installation that requires the antenna to be anchored to a roof or a wall, as well as for a deployment in the field where the antenna cannot be anchored or there is no time to anchor it.

What do we offer?

The prize for the winning proposal shall consist of an innovation pilot system that will enable progress to be made on the proposed design, and for which HISPASAT shall cover part of the costs (up to €5,000). If the solution is technically and economically viable, a commercial agreement shall be established between both parties. The organisation reserves the right to withdraw the challenge if no proposal meets the minimum quality and viability requirements.


RED ELÉCTRICA de España (hereinafter REE) develops the power transmission grid based on the actions contained in the "Energy Planning. Plan for the Development of the Electricity Transmission Grid", building new transmission grid frastructures, mainly for 400 and 220 kV voltage levels in the Spanish mainland power system, and 220, 132 and 66 kV in the island power systems.

For the aforementioned development of transmission grid, power line designs have traditionally based on the use of self-supporting steel lattice towers, where the electrical conductors are attached, made up of laminated steel angles and assembled by bolts and nuts.

What are we looking for?

REE is currently conducting R&D&I programmes in search of innovative designs and technologies to traditional steel lattice supports for the development of the transmission grid. The main objective is the exploration of new proposals that promotes the evolution, modernization and sustainability of these infrastructures as they play an essential role in the power supply of the society.

The objective of this challenge is to present new pylons designs for the development of the power transmission grid operating at voltages of voltages of 400, 220, 132 and 66 kV and that represents an alternative to the currently used option based on self-supporting metallic lattice pylons. Designs that are applicable to all or some of the indicated voltages may be submitted.

What do we offer?

The selected finalists will be announced via Elewit’s website and company profiles in social media, providing recognition and visibility to the team and proposal. The finalist will have the opportunity to present the proposal to Red Electrica Groups experts and a dedicated event might be organised for this purpose. The winner will receive an award valued on €10,000. In addition, the winner will have the possibility to implement an innovation project to progress in the proposed design, option conditioned to the value of the proposed solution. The organization preserves the possibility to declare the challenge null and void in case none of the proposal does not fulfil the minimal desired requirements.

And the winner is…

The winner is the solution proposed by Grupo Alta Tensión.



Sometimes there is no access or it is not possible to directly measure the voltages and currents that circulate through the elements of the electrical power systems. In these cases, it could be of interest to have alternative methods that allow these values to be obtained 'indirectly' through the measurement of electromagnetic fields.

What are we looking for?

It is proposed to analyze and propose viable solutions from the technical-economic point of view to have a direct and real-time measurement of electrical magnitudes through the measurement of electromagnetic fields and some possible practical cases are provided: Real-time measurement of remanent magnetism in power transformers (DC magnetic field); Real-time measurement of the continuous electric field to measure remaining charge in systems isolated by maneuver (lines with underground sections that are isolated by maneuver); Measurement of electric or magnetic field at industrial frequency for verification of circuit phase order and Measurement of high frequency electric or magnetic field for analysis of switching transients or other events.

What do we offer?

The possibility of starting up your project in the infrastructures of Red Eléctrica de España, under the guidance and support of our team of professionals.

And the winner is…

The winner is the solution proposed by the IMDEA Nanoscience Institute. We will work on a proof of concept to test the viability of their solution.


SF6 is a widely used gas in the electricity industry due to its great electrical insulation capacity. This gas is present in many high-voltage components, mainly switches (both insulated with air and with SF6) and enclosures of the rest of the live elements and switchgear of GIS substations (gas insulated switchgear), where it is present in considerable quantities, usually with absolute pressure of 7 bars, but it can reach up to 9 bars. Maintaining this insulating gas in optimal conditions below certain limits of impurities is essential for the proper functioning of the network.

The current procedure to analyse impurities in SF6 requires the uploading of the equipment (shutting down the facility) and taking samples to be analysed.

The need identified is to develop efficient systems (technically and financially) to monitor the contaminating by-products of the SF6 present in these elements on demand and with the equipment available, without needing any discharge, in order to prevent untimely failures in the insulation, resulting in incidents in the network or potentially dangerous situations for the personnel working in the above-mentioned facilities.

What are we looking for?

The present challenge is to analyse and propose viable and efficient solutions, technically and financially, to continuously monitor the polluting elements present in SF6.

Within the technical aspects, it should be noted that the proposed solution must not require a modification in the design of the high voltage switchgear or compromise the functionality of the gas, so the solution cannot be invasive and must respect the internal volumes and pressures of the compartments containing the gas, as well as the high temperatures that can be reached in small traces of the gas as a result of the energy transmitted to it; only sight glasses, valves, covers, density meters or similar elements may be used to house the proposed sensor system.

Another important technical aspect to highlight is that the solution must be suitable to function in a very demanding work environment in terms of pressure, high magnetic field gradients, the possibility of over voltages, high temperatures, and the like... (those of a high voltage facility of 400 or 220 kV). All this combined with limited space availability due to equipment design limitations.

The solution developed should decisively contribute to improve the reliability of the electricity transmission grid by monitoring the state of the SF6 insulation, which will anticipate possible failures of the facilities and the development of better maintenance strategies resulting in the improvement in the availability and useful life of the equipment as well as saving the company money. Therefore, it is essential that the proposed solution not only detects anomalies in the insulation, but also provides information allowing the root cause of the anomaly to be described as accurately as possible in a reliable and selective way (which may result in the detection of more than one component).

What do we offer?

The possibility of starting your project in the infrastructures of Red Eléctrica de España, under the guidance and support of our team of professionals.

And the winner is…

The winner is the solution proposed by the Nanophotonics Technology Center de la Universidad Politécnica de Valencia (UPV). We will work on a proof of concept to test the viability of their solution.

Why Data Challenge?

We want to make the inspection of assets more efficient on all levels. Although artificial vision is an essential part of our road map, it is not the only one.

What are we looking for?

Business and companies fascinated by automated visual inspections, to help our maintenance team for electricity lines to automate their analysis and to identify issues. There is more than one way to do it. Artificial intelligence, automatic learning, computerised vision, etc. without forgetting to improve the key areas of the process (automation, damage classification and types of faults, optimisation of the results, etc.). These tools will become part of the patented next-generation SW suite that will speed up the workflow for any type of inspection.

What do we offer?

A trampoline to become an official supplier. We will make a preliminary selection of up to 5 innovative solutions and companies who will compete in the proposal request phase that will start in the month of September. At the end of this stage, we will choose the startup to become our main provider of artificial vision. The experts of the Red Eléctrica Group will provide assistance to the companies throughout the process.


We want find solutions to guarantee the connectivity of IoT devices and to bring different telecommunications services to rural areas far from auxiliary supply systems, taking advantage of the existing infrastructure.

What are we looking for?

Innovative solutions capable of supplying uninterrupted power to electronic equipment with a power of between 5 and 6 kW on supports of the electrical energy transmission grid near these areas. The proposed solutions must be:

  • Sustainable, so they cannot be based on generators that use fossil fuels
  • Efficient, trying to minimize the necessary maintenance
  • Safe, so that the energy transported by the lines can be used, but there cannot be direct electrical contact with them to avoid any interaction with the operation of the electrical system during its installation, operation and maintenance
  • Reliable, so that the continuity of the service is ensured

What do we offer?

Drive your project in the infrastructure of Red Eléctrica de España, under the guidance and mentoring of our team of professionals.