5G’s benefits for the SLISE Project

Technology has undergone a significant change with 5G, which connects several devices into a single network. This is an advantage that, for instance, enables Redeia to remotely inspect its electrical assets to better optimize facility maintenance and increase its security and safety. Additionally, it provides the opportunity for independent communications systems and infrastructure optimization.

Vegetation management at SAGA

Vegetation management is an essential aspect in the maintenance of power lines. Following SAGA’s philosophy, where predictive maintenance is based on the condition of the assets and the overall risk of the grid, this APM this solution developed by Red Eléctrica includes an extension (VEGETA) that allows for optimal and prioritised management of vegetation felling and pruning plans.

#ElewitLAB: sustainable innovation

What is SF6?

SF6 is an artificial gas whose properties make it a great dielectric. Specifically, it exceeds the dielectric property of air by 2.5 times, making it an excellent electrical insulator.

Where is it used?

Over the last few decades, it has been applied in a large number of assets in electricity transmission and distribution networks, for example as an insulator in switchgear, transformers or GIS (Gas Insulated Substation), among others.

Why should we reduce its use?

Elewit and Hispasat launched a challenge to simplify the installation process of the satellite connection antenna
  • This will allow us to use technology in a more universal and efficient manner, also improving the times required by specialised technicians.
  • This initiative allows the intensification of the roll-out of wideband in rural and remote areas.
  • The call, directed at the whole entrepreneurial ecosystem, will be open until September 30th.


Health indices in asset management

Health indices play a key role within APM (Asset Performance Management) systems. In a nutshell, a health index describes the state or technical condition of an asset by means of a score, and therefore its current performance and degradation. They can even go further, indicating what its state will be in the future.

Leveraging data governance processes in asset management digital transformation

Data Governance is becoming increasingly widespread in many areas and sectors. However, what does it actually mean? It refers to the management of the availability, integrity, usability and security of a company's or business unit's data, based on a set of internal rules and policies that control its use. Effective data governance can mitigate risks, generate knowledge, and accelerate and improve decision-making in asset management. It also ensures the consistency, quality and reliability of the data.

Red Eléctrica and Elewit seek innovative designs for high voltage power line towers
  • They are launching a technological innovation challenge to find innovative solutions to continue to drive the evolution and modernisation of these infrastructures.
  • The call is available for the whole ecosystem and will remain open until 19 April.

Red Eléctrica de España, operator and transporter of the electricity system, and Elewit, the Group's technology platform, are jointly launching a technological innovation challenge to find new designs for high-voltage power line towers (also known as pylons).

Towards preventive and predictive maintenance thanks to SAGA

Asset management is one of the cornerstones of companies’ maintenance processes. It involves two lines of work that are key to maintaining productivity, reducing the risk of failure and, consequently, maximising the availability of resources. On the one hand, a comprehensive infrastructure monitoring of aging assets is required to maximise its effectiveness and efficiency. On the other hand, the integration of new technologies and digital transformation processes is essential to implement new ways of asset management and monitoring.

Artificial Intelligence, the key to SAGA’s efficiency

It is important to understand the role played in SAGA by certain technologies, the advanced solution for asset management in the electricity sector that has been developed by the TSOs REE and ELIA. Understanding how these technologies complement each other is the key to making the most of the potential that this tool offers the industry.

Among the many technologies that SAGA relies on, Artificial Intelligence is essential for supporting its knowledge management:

EPICS platform: flexible and scalable implementation of automatic systems

All projects carried out at Elewit have an ultimate goal: to improve people's daily lives; our future. And we do this through innovation. We currently face various challenges that must be solved through technology. One such challenge addresses the possibilities of integrating new algorithms and functions in automatic substation systems.