Optimising power line inspections with digital twins using Aerolaser System’s technology

Elewit, Redeia-s technology platform, is always searching for disruptive solutions to impact the energy and telecommunications sectors. As drivers of change and catalysts of innovation, they invest through their Corporate Venture Capital in early-stage startups with strategic impact on the group.

Elewit and HESStec revolutionize Energy Storage with the Launch of Their Synchronous Grid-Forming Hybrid Storage Project
Optimizing Redeia's cybersecurity with CounterCraft's Cyber Deception Platform
Software to anticipate potential damage in submarine interconnections
Elewit, through its CVC, is committed to develop a hybrid storage system with HESStec in a storage and renewable hybridization project
AI-enabled data processing for more customed communication
Exploring incident identification on high-voltage power lines
Data Challenge 2023: Forecasting models for renewable energy production
Optimization of Red Eléctrica's investment project portfolio
Real-time determination of the status of protective components in substations