Siroco project
Elewit and Red Eléctrica optimise electrical planning analysis with the Siroco GridCal improvement project
The project has enabled Red Eléctrica to optimise the use of the open-source software GridCal as an interface for the design and simulation of electrical grids, complementing the set of tools used in national electrical planning analysis.
The Siroco project, developed by Elewit and Red Eléctrica’s electrical planning and system operation model teams, has represented a significant step forward in electrical grid simulation capabilities. It uses the open-source software GridCal as an interface for the design and simulation of electrical grids, complementing other tools in national planning

Elewit has completed the development of the GridCal and Newton improvement project for electrical planning, known as the Siroco project, in collaboration with the electrical planning and system operation model teams of Red Eléctrica. This project represents a significant step forward in the simulation capabilities of electrical grids, as new advanced functionalities have been developed to meet current needs and foresee future requirements in the electrical sector.

Main features and functionalities of the Siroco project

Due to the high complexity of the project, various divisions have been developed with collaborators who possess the necessary knowledge and technologies. These synergies have contributed to the optimal development of the Siroco project:

  1. Power flow calculation and linear optimisation:
    • Developer: Ingelectus
    • Description: implementation of advanced tools for power flow calculation and contingency analysis.
  2. Optimisation of optimal power flows in alternating current (ACOPF):
    • Developer: eRoots
    • Description: development of linear and non-linear optimisation models for fluids like water, hydrogen, and gas, and a new way of modelling electrical systems with power electronics components.
  3. Compatibility with standard formats (CGMES and PSSE): 
    • Developer: gridDigIt
    • Description: built-in compatibility with CGMES and PSSE exchange formats, facilitating the simulation and analysis of power systems.
  4. Advanced visualization and hybrid modelling:
    • Developer: Apogea Consulting
    • Description: development of advanced visualisation tools with maps and hybrid bus-branch and node-breaker modelling.

Use in electrical planning

The implementation of these functionalities has enabled Red Eléctrica to use the open-source software GridCal as an interface for the design and simulation of electrical grids, complementing the set of tools used in national planning analysis. It should also be noted that other special functionalities were already being carried out with GridCal, as they had been previously developed by Red Eléctrica professionals.

Impact and future of the project

From an economic and functional perspective, the use of sophisticated open-source software allows for faster and more satisfactory validation and adoption of R&D&I than one-off efforts. Additionally, being open-source, GridCal allows for its development to continue independently of the Siroco project. In fact, some providers are already considering its extension for their own use and that of other clients.

Furthermore, Elewit and Red Eléctrica plan to use GridCal in European projects such as TwinEU and InterScada, where it serves as a development platform for new R&D initiatives for operator assistance with AI or optimal AC-DC power flows. Once validated, these innovations can be adopted, ensuring a natural and effective transition.