Zero Emission Portable Auxiliary Source (ZEPAS)
ZEPAS revolutionises auxiliary power supply for sub-stations with efficiency and sustainability
Developed and marketed together with Arteche and Red Eléctrica, ZEPAS provides auxiliary power to electrical sub-stations without the need for generators. As a result, it offers a safe, reliable, and sustainable energy supply.
Zero Emission Portable Auxiliary Source (ZEPAS) is an innovative solution that powers auxiliary services for sub-stations without the need for generators, providing an efficient alternative energy supply.

The management of electrical sub-stations is becoming increasingly complex while demanding higher technical efficiency to meet the ambitious goals of the ecological transition. For this reason, Elewit, as Redeia’s innovation catalyst, is continuously developing new solutions that transform the management of the electrical system, boosting its efficiency and sustainability. 

ZEPAS is an innovative solution that powersthe auxiliary services of electrical sub-stations, replacing traditional generators and eliminating their associated CO2 emissions. This portable platform connects directly to a high-voltage grid through a power voltage transformer (PVT), providing temporary power to the auxiliary services of transmission grid sub-stations. ZEPAS offers an efficient, alternative energy supply with several key benefits: 

  • Zero-emission energy during operation.

  • A safe and reliable power supply for auxiliary services.

  • A mobile platform that can be installed within a day at any location.

  • A versatile and efficient solution.

  • Ease of operation.

In this solution developed alongside Arteche and Red Eléctrica, Elewit has played a key role from the outset in both technological consolidation and market positioning, catering to Red Eléctrica as well as third parties. This initiative addresses the need for sustainable alternatives capable of fulfilling auxiliary service functions during the early stages of sub-station commissioning or during outages. 

Thus, what began as an internal project evolved into a versatile product that could also be used in different scenarios, including providing low-voltage power to small rural communities near high-voltage lines or reducing the impact of natural disasters. Furthermore, ZEPAS has already proven its technical viability in a real-world environment—within sub-stations of Spain's transmission grid—transforming their power supply and emerging as an innovative solution to the decarbonisation challenges that pose the electrical sector.