NewsSubscribeSubscribe to the newsletter challenges connectivity ElewitLAB ElewitTalks intrapreneurship partnerships projects SAGA sustainability startups venturecapital ZEPAS CONPP Project: Combining probabilistic forecasting models for more efficient operation of the electricity systemThe CONPP project's objective is to develop a model to combine forecasters in order to achieve greater precision regarding demand and generation variables that affect the electricity system's operation.October 11 2023sustainabilitypartnershipsprojectsElewitLAB Kymatio: leading cybersecurity awareness, management and measurementOctober 4 2023startupsconnectivityElewitLABprojects IVI Project: Visual Inspections in Installations to monitor the development of the networkSeptember 18 2023partnershipsconnectivityElewitLABprojects Elewit and Red Eléctrica are developing a project to optimise the remote management of substations through AI, IoT and data analyticsSeptember 14 2023partnershipsElewitLABsustainabilityprojects IN-SURE Project: safeguarding the safety of techniciansJuly 4 2023partnershipsprojectsElewitLABconnectivity We are looking for the best forecasting service for renewable energy generation. Take part in our Data Challenge!June 30 2023challengesprojectspartnershipssustainability The ANISOPTER project, an alternative to transmission tower current designs in a more efficient and sustainable wayJune 20 2023sustainabilitypartnershipsprojectsElewitLAB More newsSuscribe to our newsletter!Stay updated on the latest news!Register here