Predictive maintenance as a key to efficient asset Management
Efficient management and maintenance of electrical assets is a priority for the Red Eléctrica Group and therefore, it relies on the know-how of its experts, cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions. With this motivation, projects such as the Partial Discharge Platform have been born.
Since the very first moment of Elewit as the technological platform of the Red Eléctrica Group our goal is to be an enabling agent for the Group's technology and innovation iniciatives so that they can serve their its two main missions: driving the energy transition and extending full connectivity.
Technology has undergone a significant change with 5G, which connects several devices into a single network. This is an advantage that, for instance, enables Redeia to remotely inspect its electrical assets to better optimize facility maintenance and increase its security and safety. Additionally, it provides the opportunity for independent communications systems and infrastructure optimization.