Technology is facing different challenges, one of which is the improvement of industrial or corporate processes. To this end, Elewit participates in the capital of different organisations that are pioneers in new technologies and benchmarks in the energy sectors and, in partnership with them, develops projects to test innovative technologies that offer answers to the challenges of energy and telecommunications.
One of the companies in which it participates is Aerolaser, a Canary Island company specialising in the development of innovative space technology systems for mapping and inspection through marine, terrestrial and aerial sensors that help in the digital transformation of infrastructures. These solutions are currently being used by different companies for inspecting electrical assets and obtaining geospatial data, these systems are accompanied by the necessary applications for the processing and treatment of data.
Aerolaser is a provider of technological solutions in two innovation projects launched by Red Eléctrica to optimise the collection of data for the maintenance of electricity lines and the control and monitoring of the vegetation growing under these lines.
Dalia and LiDAR technology
One of the two solutions offered by Aerolaser is the Dalia project. It is a platform for inspecting assets and generating a digital twin of electricity infrastructures. This project enables data to be visualised through LiDAR technology, which consists of using light and distance to measure the space between the point of origin of the laser and an object surface, obtaining the result through a high-resolution 3D map.
The application of this technology in the world of geospatial data is necessary in order to obtain cartography and 3D scenarios for inspection, for example, in electricity lines. LiDAR data provide a high-definition scenario that makes it possible to simulate, in addition to the scenario obtained, different situations in conductors and vegetation and to determine distances to these elements, thus anticipating problems.
The images stored on the servers that come from the helicopter or drones are equipped with external orientation, which makes it possible to determine the exact position of the camera in space, which, according to the company's own data, has made it possible to run more than 100,000 km of LIDAR and photogrammetric corridors, acquiring geospatial data with proprietary development and integration systems.
The digital twin of electricity infrastructures
The collection of these images opens up an infinite world of possibilities, known as the digital twin of electrical infrastructures. This will make it possible to simulate new predictive scenarios and thus prepare for emergency situations or design contingency plans, as well as to create situations for planning manoeuvres and work for staff training. This training will further reinforce the efficiency and safety of work and reduce risks for professionals and facilities.
The differential value of Aerolaser
The big difference between what can be found in the market and what Aerolaser has to offer is that the latter offers a comprehensive value proposition: from the design of the sensors that are used to obtain LiDAR and photogrammetric data, to the exploitation of the data in the cloud, analysis and the delivery of reports. This enables direct feedback in processes, leading to increased efficiency.
The company is developing other tools that use, for example, artificial intelligence to provide algorithms with as much information as possible in the process from data capture to the delivery of the final product.