Incorporates Splight, Unusuals, and Stellar into its portfolio of investees and becomes the anchor investor of the Adara Ventures Energy I investment fund
Channels an investment effort in innovation and technological development by Redeia amounting to 11.89 million euros during the fiscal year
Consolidates an open innovation ecosystem with more than 130 partners and collaborators and deploys 13 of its innovation projects within Redeia's areas of activity.
Channels an investment effort in innovation and technological development by Redeia amounting to 11.89 million euros during the fiscal year
Consolidates an open innovation ecosystem with more than 130 partners and collaborators and deploys 13 of its innovation projects within Redeia's areas of activity.
This startup’s technology enables the use of synthetic data to train artificial intelligence models, optimising inspection and maintenance processes for critical infrastructure.
Elewit has reinforced its commitment to the energy transition by investing in Splight. Therefore, it has established a strategic collaboration that seeks to minimise potential grid congestions and constraints upon renewable generation using the startup's technology.
Stellar has developed AI technology that enables seamless connectivity in vehicles at any speed by integrating cellular, satellite, and Wi-Fi networks
This marks a milestone for the startup towards bringing its AI-powered SaaS for intelligent network selection STEER® to automotive, fleets, and networks.
Driving the future of connectivity through the development of 5G and Edge Computing technologies that enhance smart asset management.
Since 2019, Elewit has been promoting and driving technological innovation among Redeia's companies to accelerate the ecological and digital transition.