Red Eléctrica, Elewit and SHEMAR are working together on the CICA Project, installing composite insulated cross arms to reduce environmental impact, improve efficiency and ensure a more sustainable and safer energy infrastructure.
Elewit has a stake in the capital for technology-based startups that strategically align with the ecological transition, and HESStec's hybrid storage solution is one of the company's main investments.
As part of the storage and renewables hybridization project, the companies implemented a hybrid storage system in a renewable plant aiming to improve its stability, operation and reliability.
We are looking for partners who can provide Red Eléctrica the best forecasting service for renewable energy generation.
This project was born from the winning proposal of the Elewit challenge Innovative designs of electric power transmission grid pylons in Spain by by Grupo Alta Tensión, a company of MAI Group which is currently working on the study and development of a new singular pylon design with greater social acceptance for high voltage power lines.
The Project for the Standardisation of Forecasting Models is intended to improve efficiency in the operation of the electricity system to ensure a more sustainable future, standardising and improving the forecasting models for electricity generation and demand in order to guarantee the security of supply.