Since 2019, Elewit has been promoting and driving technological innovation among Redeia's companies to accelerate the ecological and digital transition.
Red Eléctrica collaborates with the startup Radiflow in a project to improve the cybersecurity of critical infrastructures through advanced monitoring of data traffic in industrial environments.
The hybrid storage project with grid-forming control developed by both companies demonstrated the ability of the combined system to operate in GFM mode providing a wide range of services.
The project has enabled Red Eléctrica to optimise the use of the open-source software GridCal as an interface for the design and simulation of electrical grids, complementing the set of tools used in national electrical planning analysis.
Red Eléctrica, Elewit and SHEMAR are working together on the CICA Project, installing composite insulated cross arms to reduce environmental impact, improve efficiency and ensure a more sustainable and safer energy infrastructure.
Elewit, in collaboration with Red Eléctrica's Grid Access team, is managing innovation projects to evaluate the impact of generative AI applied to the department's day to day processes involving document analysis.
Elewit has a stake in the capital for technology-based startups that strategically align with the ecological transition, and HESStec's hybrid storage solution is one of the company's main investments.