We’re redefining our challenge in 2025: put your skills to the test by anticipating energy consumption demand and help us drive innovation in this sector.
Since 2019, Elewit has been promoting and driving technological innovation among Redeia's companies to accelerate the ecological and digital transition.
The Universidad Politécnica de Valencia's proposal was the winner of Elewit's innovation challenge to monitor the presence of SO2 in SF6-filled GIS substation compartments using THz spectroscopy.
We are looking for partners who can provide Red Eléctrica the best forecasting service for renewable energy generation.
This project was born from the winning proposal of the Elewit challenge Innovative designs of electric power transmission grid pylons in Spain by by Grupo Alta Tensión, a company of MAI Group which is currently working on the study and development of a new singular pylon design with greater social acceptance for high voltage power lines.
Elewit organized a Data Challenge during 2023 aiming to identify and incorporate new providers of electricity production forecasts.
Elewit and PredictLand are part of the team to tackle the challenge of obtaining insights from leakage current measurements in high-voltage insulators.